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5 Minutes With Ultra Trail Runner Lucy Bartholomew

5 Minutes With Ultra Trail Runner Lucy Bartholomew

Where are you at the moment and for what race?

I am currently in the north island of New Zealand having just raced in the Tarawera 62km event. Soon I will travel to the south island to race next weekend in the Shotover moonlight marathon and I will stay there for 3 weeks and again race at the beginning of March in the Motatapu ultra. 

What are you most looking forward to for this trail course?

The race I just did I was really looking forward to returning to this race as the last I was there the course was changed and shortened due to a Cyclone. It was funny to return this weekend with again a big cloud of rain but we ran the full course and I really embraced and enjoyed the challenge of the muddy, slippery trails! Next weekend I am returning to the Shotover Moonlight Marathon for the 3rd year and I am really looking forward to seeing how my body will feel after the Tarawera and doing a gnarly mountain marathon!

You spend your time training and travelling. Do you have an airport routine to keep you sharp and healthy?
I always carry a bottle around with me, skull it before going through airport security and then refill it on the other side. I also make sure to travel with food that is easy to transport around; CLIF bars, fruit and normally dry oats because then on the plane or at the airport I can just ask for some hot water and then I have a filling meal of porridge.
What’s the best advice you have had from another runner for this up and coming race?
For the shotover moonlight marathon you need to enjoy the ride and not have any expectations about time or pace. Enjoy the beauty of this area that you can be in without the permission of the race director (the land owner) and have fun!
New Zealand terrain is touch. What’s your number one tip for hitting the hills? 
Smile and enjoy the climbs. The view is worth it at the top and its a wonderful reward!

Good Luck Lucy! Our community is so proud of you!

You can see more of Lucy on her WEBSITE and get the latest and greatest blog updates from the lovely lady herself. 

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