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Interview With Guide Hannah Veen

Interview With Guide Hannah Veen

Hannah Veen embodies everything Women Want Adventure represents. She’s a trail runner, stand up paddle boarder and passionate about spending time outdoors.

Hannah volunteers for bush care and also started her own Bamboo Fibre reusable Coffee Cup business - Perky By Nature . She’s all about building community of nature goers and coffee drinkers. Hannah recently joined the WWA team to guide local NSW trips and is off to New Zealand later this year with the ladies.

Hannah is here to help encourage women to try new outdoor activities, discover their local backyards and connect together.

We chatted to Hannah about getting outdoors, where she grew up and learn a little more about here to share with the community.

Where did you grow up?
I was born in South Africa, when I was 4 we moved to Chile for a little over a year. When I was 12 we moved from South Africa to Australia and I spent my high school years in Tamworth, NSW. My parents were both in the airforce so we moved around a fair bit!

How old are you?

What is it about being outdoors that has you hooked?
That feeling you get from being closer to nature- how to explain it? In our everyday lives we’re tied down by things, often things that don’t really matter in the bigger picture (e.g. those work e-mails we feel like we need to respond to immediately etc.). Being outdoors simplifies things I think, your focus is on the path ahead of you and the people around you, what more could you want?

What trips do you lead for WWA?
Bouddi Coastal Hike - Saturday 7th March
New Zealand Helicopter and Jet Boat Hiking Trip - 14th November 2020 (See picture below)

Do you prefer your Anzac biscuits hard or soft?
Ooh, hard/crunchy for sure… I’m a novice baker, I’ll leave the hot tips to the experts!

What’s you most memorable outdoor adventure?
Tough question! Probably trekking in Bukit Lawang, Sumatra. We hiked through the humid jungle and camped under tarps. The whole experience was amazing and I’ll never forget seeing my first orangutan in the wild!

What’s the best advice camping/hiking/kayaking tip for us?
I think you’ll always have the best time if you’re prepared for the conditions. Someone once told me “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only poor preparation”, so make sure you pack layers, sun protection and back up dry clothes.

When you're not out leading trips, where can we find you?
Finding new trails to run, stand up paddle boarding or probably drinking coffee (if I can combine the drinking coffee bit with any other activity I’m a pretty happy woman!).

When you get home from leading a trip, what is the first thing you do?
Appreciate having a hot shower, and I’m usually ravenous after an exciting day of adventuring so a nice hearty meal is definitely on the cards- My husbands salmon pasta is my go to!

What trips are coming up for you next?
Bouddi Coastal walk - Sunday 7th March… join me here!

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