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Emission Reducation Planning



Women Want Adventure  acknowledges and respects the customs, traditions and knowledge of Aboriginal people and their unique relationship with the land, waterways and sea. We recognise our shared responsibility to Care for Country by addressing the causes of climate change that will impact on present and future generations and our environment from our adventures and interactions with environment.

Our goals include:

  1. Develop a low carbon footprint for all trips
  2. Celebrate adventure without the emissions
  3. Limited to zero carbon transport to and from trips
  4. Reduce emissions from waste



Emissions Reduction Actions


Staff Role Responsible

Monitoring Process


Energy Efficiency







Install energy efficient equipment and renewable energy technology in our office



Monique Farmer






Choose natural light from windows instead of turning on the lights in the office


Monique Farmer



Travel / Transport

Vehicles / transportation


Promote walking, cycling and public transport options to staff for commuting and business travel.




All Team

Per Trip

Employee travel to work initiatives.

Promote walking, cycling and public transport options to staff for commuting and business travel.




All Team

Per Trip

Client / Customer travel initiatives


Ensure vehicle leasing and purchase arrangements support efforts to increase vehicles that use zero carbon technology. Promote the use of car share and organize online networking’s group for women to share the ride to and from trips. Promote the use of public transport to trip starting locations.


All Team

Per Trip





Green purchasing policy and initiatives

Continue to survey, monitor and report the use of transport fuel and require transparent reporting of transport-related emissions from suppliers and contractors.


All Team

Per Trip

Efficient Product Packaging (recyclable, minimal cooling etc.)

Continue to promote waste avoidance, diversion from landfill and recycling through staff and community engagement programs.


All Team






Office / Admin initiatives

Continue to promote waste avoidance, diversion from landfill and recycling through. Print advertising materials on recycled paper


Monique Farmer


Carbon Offsetting

Buy carbon offsets

Purchasing carbon offsets for flights for all clients and team members

All clients and Team

Per Trip












Waste Management





What is it? Where does it come from?

Management, Recycling and Disposal

Reduction Strategies

Role & Staff Member Responsible


Organic Waste



e.g. Food scraps. Kitchen/cooking waste.

Human Waste

Disposed of daily as compost to be used on garden.

Only groups allowed to go to the bathroom in the pit toilet or one designated area.

Increased care to cook quantity of food appropriate to guest numbers.


Dig a group hole that can be managed on overnight trips to reduce using multiple places for human waste

All members on team

Applies to every trip including day, weekend and multi-day trips


Paper from office documents including wavier forms and old risk assessments. Paper waste from advertising materials made

Recycle all paper in the recycle bins

Only print what is needed

Monique Farmer



Plastic bags, plastic from food containers

Put soft plastic in the recycle bins outside supermarkets.

Limit all soft plastic on trips. We aim to not use plastic at ALL besides a plastic bag for rubbish items and scraps

All members on team

Each trip

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